PARTS.EXE is a program that finds out wich parts you are missing of your received 7plus. It is very simple to use, just type PARTS.EXE - Missing parts of all 7+ in current directory PARTS.EXE \AUTO7P - Missing parts in \AUTO7P PARTS.EXE \AUTO7P JN - Missing parts in \AUTO7P of all 7+files beginning with "JN". (JNOS JNOS111, JN111X1 You can also use this program as a PG-program in FBB. I have included a BAT-file in this archive for this purpose. The MISS.BAT shows how it is done, and MISS.COM is the compiled BAT-file (with BAT2EXEC to put in \FBB\PG-directory. Now, restart your FBB. Then type MISS - And you will get a lista of missing 7plus-parts just like PARTS.EXE does MISS JN - You will get a list of all files beginning with JN